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Functional Kihon Combos: ZOOM Footage


This is footage of a recent Zoom session I taught. We covered two functional kihon combinations. I had a wide range of participants in attendance so I broke the combinations down in chunks. I simplified the second combo to make it more linear when some students were having difficulty. Combo #1 Kizami Zuki/Gyaku Zuki/Kage Zuki/Enpi Uchi (Jab/Cross/Hook/Elbow) Combo #2 (as taught by Iain Abernethy at his 2019 Residential) Nagashi zuki/Gyaku Zuki/Oi Zuki (Flowing Punch/Reverse Punch/Stepping Punch). It is my philosophy that much of today's Shotokan kihon is not functional. It does not teach us to move with a natural flow. For more on my thought on kihon and how to improve it visit my blog or watch my video on "Kihon is a TOOL, not a GOAL"

For more on my thoughts on kihon and how to improve it visit my blog or watch my video on "Kihon is a TOOL, not a GOAL".

video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e_LU8COSaI

blog: https://appliedshotokan.com/kihon-is-a-tool-not-a-goal/




Andy Allen