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Fundamental Limb Control

A video filmed a couple of years ago summarising some basic limb control drills. These drills are not representations of actual combat (application drills) but drills aimed at isolating a given aspect of combat (skill drills). In this case, we are isolating the the manipulation of the enemy’s limbs. In combat, this would be done to open up the enemy for strikes and to establish a position of advantage. These drills are compliant and move back and forth at a pre-determined distance.  While this is good for enabling both parties to drill the various methods of limb-control and redirection, it is not a representation of the application of such methods where the range will collapse or expand, and the traffic of the blows should be one way. It should therefore be obvious that non-compliant drills which put the method into context are also required (not shown in this video).

All the best,


PS The YouTube link is HERE

Fundamental Limb Control